Modelling the Future (2019-2020)

 Modelling the Future


«In my opinion, the key to the human mind is our ability to model the future. A person is constantly planning something, plotting, weighing, dreaming and thinking about the future. We can not do anything with it. We are machines for prediction».


 Mitio Kaku


Human life is changing rapidly. The speed of life is changing, the philosophy of life is changing.

New technologies are intruding into everyday life everywhere, and the human world is merging with the digital world.

A smooth fusion with this world, the transition from human to hybrid can be seen in the example of the emergence of our virtual avatars, nicknames, “our ID” and the inability to function without our smartphones and computers. The relationship with artificial intelligence becomes familiar even at the household level, starting from communication with the navigator and living in a “smart home”.

Artificial intelligence is already able to manage numerous processes in people's lives, in technical, political and scientific spheres.

Around the world, scientists are working on projects to digitalize the brain and create self-learning artificial neural networks that will become the basis of super intelligence.

Forecasts of the relationship between human and artificial super-intelligence give rise to various scenarios of the future and arouse great curiosity and at the same time, the natural fear of the unknown.


Contrasting, combining, merging or absorbing - thinking about these processes occurs in the picture “Modelling the Future”, where the images of human and artificial intelligence are presented in the form of natural and artificial neural networks.